" I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."

-Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The Democrats and Republicans are still disagreeing over the new fiscal budget. With a government closure still possible, some members of Congress are worried about getting a paycheck. But what about all the other Federal employees that will be out of work? According to Senator Barbara Boxer(D-CA), the Senate has already passed a bill denying members of Congress pay while the government is shut down. The Republicans disagree and have been shot down by the Senate on their proposal to prevent the government closure. I say give them a taste of what the common Americans have been going through for months. Looks to me like the Democrats sympathize with the thousands of Federal workers, and the 13 million already unemployed Americans who will possibly go without a paycheck too. In contrast, according to NBC's Luke Russert's reporting, he has quoted Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) saying:

"I guarantee most of you, I have more debt than all of you. With six kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I'm living high off the hog, I've got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now."

I know, sounds like a bad country song lyric with the chorus singing "Cry me a River". I was unemployed for 6 months and probably still would be if it wasn't for the VA Vocational Rehab Program. But 6 months is nothing compared to most unemployed Americans. That is where my sympathy goes. Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing on the young Wisconsin Representative, but with a salary close to $200,000 per year, not counting all of the "niceties", of course, how could you not be living well! This 1 paycheck he may not receive would come close to the amount I had to go without for 6 months. So which is it Mr. Duffy, are you representing Americans or yourself.

MSNBC Carrie Dann, NBC Luke Russert web March 30,2011 http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/30/6376058-congressional-pay-during-a-shutdown-still-looks-likely


  1. It seems that Rep. Sean Duffy probably should have kept his mouth shut on that one. Many American wish they could have a tenth of his income.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In this blog William Gee brings to the point the possible corrupted integrity of the Republican representatives in being unwilling to take a paycheck cut. William Gee talks of how the Democrats are trying to pass the bill, so why won’t Republicans. Gee quotes a representative who he is just like all citizens, hardly getting by, but Gee goes on to argue that a salary of $200,000 isn’t exactly barely getting by. Gee was unemployed for 6 months so he himself has felt the sting of the economy. All Americans have felt the sting of the economy and shouldn’t the Representatives be representing the citizens. So why should the citizens feel all the sting, why shouldn’t the representatives take some of the load?

    Gee has a point. Both Republicans and Democrats need to stand up, all representatives need to be aware of what their constituents are going through, and then react to that. Especially with the economic crisis as it is, the fiscal budget needs to be cut. Gee has had a first hand experience in dealing with hardships and has proved to be a concerned citizen.

    Even though representatives deal with everything on a much higher level than the average citizen, Republicans and Democrats alike are all just human beings too. It is hard to know exactly the affect legislation, decisions, and cuts will have on the nation, so who inevitably pulls the plug? It is the job of the representatives to decide what is best. The economy is in trouble. Constituents and representatives, no matter party affiliation, need to step up and make decisions that are best for everyone.


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