" I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."

-Abraham Lincoln

Friday, April 1, 2011

Classmate Blog Review(Gas Prices or Bust)

Lately, our nations dependency on oil seems to be hitting Americans where it hurts most. The wallet. In Emily Nichole Cook's post, "Gas Prices or Bust", she captures how consumerism is effected by our nation's fuel prices and what it really means by supply and demand. To read the full article click here. Cook states that spikes in fuel prices at the pump instead of the gradual increases we are all used to, tend to cause a downhill effect on other products and services. For example, with the sudden spike in fuel prices, farmers costs are higher, therefore, corn goes up. Corn is fed to domesticated food animals, which costs more to feed, and not to mention the transport expenses to get from point A to point B. So this is reflected on the consumer with a substantial increase at the grocery. Just the other day, I couldn't believe that bacon was at $3 bucks for the off-brand and close to $6 bucks for name brand. I feel that Cook's blog post really summarizes how Americans spending is curbed by high prices at the pump and how business' suffer as consequence. I say open our nation's reserves to take some slack out of the sting and continue forward on rebuilding our already teetering economy. I feel that this post was very informative and Cook's thought process that went into it "hit the nail on the head".

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